Empowering Fibromyalgia Warriors: Your Comprehensive Resource for Relief and Support

Fibromyalgia is a complex and debilitating condition characterized by chronic pain, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. While its effects on the musculoskeletal system and overall well-being are well-documented, the impact of fibromyalgia on various parts of the body, including the eyes, is often overlooked. Below are ten common fibromyalgia eye symptoms (and what you can do to get relief!)

Article Written: November 2023

Medical Disclaimer: Please note that we are not medical professionals, and while our info is heavily researched, the information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing any eye-related symptoms or have concerns about your health, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper evaluation and personalized medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a medical professional before making any changes to your healthcare regimen.

Affiliate Link Disclosure: Some of the products on this page may be affiliate links, and we may receive compensation if you click on those links. However, please rest assured that as sufferers of Fibromyalgia ourselves, our recommendations are based on our honest evaluation and a ton of research.

1. Dry Eyes

Man with dry eyes from fibromyalgia

Dry eyes are one of the most common fibromyalgia eye symptoms. This occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears to keep them adequately lubricated. It can cause discomfort, a gritty sensation, and even blurred vision. Dry eyes may be linked to the autonomic dysfunction often seen in fibromyalgia, which affects the body’s ability to regulate moisture levels.

2. Blurred Vision

Blurry vision caused by fibromyalgia

Many fibromyalgia patients experience blurred vision, making it difficult to focus on objects or read small print. This visual disturbance can be temporary or chronic and may fluctuate in severity. Blurred vision in fibromyalgia is thought to be related to the dysregulation of the nervous system, which can affect the muscles controlling the eye lenses.

3. Eye Pain

Woman rubbing her eyes from eye pain

Unexplained eye pain or discomfort is another symptom reported by fibromyalgia patients. It can manifest as a dull ache, sharp stabbing sensation, or pressure behind the eyes. Eye pain may result from increased sensitivity to light or inflammation of the eye tissues, which are both common in fibromyalgia.

4. Light Sensitivity

Woman driving with light sensitivity

Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a common symptom associated with fibromyalgia. Bright lights, sunlight, or even the glare from electronic screens can trigger eye discomfort and pain. Individuals with fibromyalgia may find relief by wearing sunglasses, using screen filters, or adjusting the lighting in their environment.

5. Floaters and Flashes

Fibromyalgia eye symptom floaters and flashes

Some fibromyalgia patients report seeing floaters or flashes of light in their visual field. Floaters appear as specks, spots, or cobweb-like shapes that drift across the field of vision, while flashes manifest as sudden bursts of light. Although floaters and flashes can be harmless, they should be evaluated by an eye care professional to rule out any underlying issues.

6. Migraine with Aura

Man suffering from migraine with aura

Fibromyalgia and migraines often coexist, and individuals with fibromyalgia are more prone to experiencing migraines with aura. Visual disturbances such as blind spots, zigzag lines, or shimmering lights may occur before or during a migraine attack. These visual disturbances can be unsettling but are typically temporary.  This unfortunately common fibromyalgia eye symptom can be debilitating, and finding ways to reduce your triggers and get migraine relief is key.

7. Reduced Depth Perception

Dizziness and issues with depth perception

Fibromyalgia can affect depth perception, making it challenging to judge distances accurately. This can have a significant impact on daily activities such as driving, walking on uneven surfaces, or playing sports. It is crucial to exercise caution and seek assistance when needed to avoid accidents or injuries.

8. Difficulty Adjusting to Changes in Light

Woman suffering with sensitivity to light

Individuals with fibromyalgia may have difficulty adapting to changes in light levels. Moving from a bright environment to a dark one, or vice versa, can lead to temporary visual disturbances. Allow your eyes time to adjust when transitioning between different lighting conditions to minimize discomfort.

9. Eye Strain and Fatigue

Woman suffering with eye strain caused by fibromyalgia

Frequent eye strain and fatigue are common complaints among fibromyalgia patients. Extended periods of focusing on screens, reading, or engaging in visually demanding tasks can exacerbate these symptoms. Taking regular breaks, using the 20-20-20 rule (looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes), and practicing eye exercises can help reduce strain and fatigue.

10. Eye Twitches

Fibromyalgia eye symptom conjunctival changes

Did you know that eye twitching can be more than just a random annoyance for those with fibromyalgia? It turns out, this little nuisance, known as myokymia, is actually linked to the muscle sensitivity and discomfort that comes with the condition.

While fibromyalgia primarily affects the musculoskeletal system, its impact on the eyes and vision should not be overlooked. From dry eyes and blurred vision to eye pain and light sensitivity, these symptoms can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. If you have fibromyalgia and experience any eye-related symptoms, it is essential to consult with an eye care professional for proper evaluation and management.
