Last Reviewed and Updated: November 2023
Fibromyalgia, a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain, also encompasses a range of lesser-known symptoms that can significantly affect daily life. Among these are urinary symptoms, which, though often overlooked, can be as debilitating as the more recognized symptoms of pain and fatigue. This article focuses on the top five urinary symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, offering insight into each and the impact they have on those living with the condition.
Medical Disclaimer: Please note that we are not medical professionals, and while our info is heavily researched, the information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you are experiencing any eye-related symptoms or have concerns about your health, it is crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper evaluation and personalized medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a medical professional before making any changes to your healthcare regimen.
Affiliate Link Disclosure: Some of the products on this page may be affiliate links, and we may receive compensation if you click on those links. However, please rest assured that as sufferers of Fibromyalgia ourselves, our recommendations are based on our honest evaluation and a ton of research.
1. Increased Urinary Frequency

One of the most common urinary symptoms in fibromyalgia is increased urinary frequency. Individuals with this condition often find themselves needing to use the restroom much more often than usual. This symptom can be attributed to the hypersensitivity of the bladder, which is a hallmark of fibromyalgia. The frequent need to urinate can disrupt daily activities and can be particularly bothersome at night, leading to sleep disturbances.
2. Urinary Urgency

Closely related to increased frequency is the symptom of urinary urgency. This involves a sudden, intense urge to urinate, often with little warning. This urgency can be distressing and inconvenient, causing anxiety about the availability of restrooms when away from home. The mechanism behind this symptom is not fully understood but is thought to be linked to the overall heightened sensitivity experienced in fibromyalgia.
3. Painful Urination (Dysuria)

Painful urination, or dysuria, is another urinary symptom that can occur in individuals with fibromyalgia. This can manifest as a burning or stinging sensation during urination. The cause of painful urination in fibromyalgia is not always clear, but it may be related to the condition’s impact on nerve function and pain perception, making the bladder and urinary tract more sensitive.
4. Interstitial Cystitis

Some people with fibromyalgia develop a condition known as interstitial cystitis (IC), an often painful bladder syndrome. Symptoms of IC in fibromyalgia patients can include chronic pelvic pain, bladder pressure, and pain during bladder filling. The connection between fibromyalgia and IC is still being researched, but it is believed that the two conditions may share common pathophysiological mechanisms.
5. Nocturia

Nocturia, or the need to wake up and urinate multiple times during the night, is a particularly disruptive urinary symptom associated with fibromyalgia. This frequent interruption of sleep can exacerbate the fatigue and pain that are central to fibromyalgia, creating a challenging cycle. The causes of nocturia in fibromyalgia are multifaceted, potentially involving the condition’s effects on bladder sensitivity, sleep patterns, and overall regulation of bodily functions.
Understanding and acknowledging these urinary symptoms is essential for those managing fibromyalgia. While they may not be as widely recognized as other aspects of the condition, they are no less significant in their impact on quality of life. If you experience these symptoms, consulting with a healthcare provider for appropriate management strategies is crucial. Addressing these urinary symptoms can play a key role in improving overall well-being for those living with fibromyalgia.